Snake And Ladder Media For Rational Number Operating Materials Using Adobe Flash Professional CS3
Media, Snakes and Ladders, Rational Numbers Operations, Adobe FlashAbstract
Based on observations when PPL showed that 65% of children still did not understand material on rational number operations, this was seen from their test scores which were still below the school grade standard, namely 75. One of the games that can be developed for rational number operations is using the program Adobe Flash Professional CS3 is a game of snakes and ladders. There are two objectives of this research, the first is to make learning products that are suitable for use and the second is to describe the effectiveness of snakes and ladders media. Product feasibility is seen from the results of media validation, the results of learning validation and the results of the respondents' responses. While the effectiveness of the product can be seen from the results of the respondent's test after the trial was carried out. The type of research used in this research is research and development with the model developed by Sugiyono. The stages used in this research are potentials and problems, product design, design validation, design revisions, limited-scale product trials, and product revisions. The results of this study are the results of media validation, namely 4.6 with a very feasible category, the results of learning validation, namely 4.45 with a very feasible category, the results of a questionnaire response of respondents, namely 93.22% with a very good category, and the effectiveness of the media seen from the test results students after the trial that is 80.42 with the effective category. In accordance with these four results it can be said that the Snakes and Ladders Media for Rational Number Operation Material Using Adobe Flash Professional CS3 which is developed is very feasible and effective for use in learning.
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