Utilization of Learning Resources in The Midst of The Covid-19 Pandemic in The Mathematical Learning Process
Learning resource, online learning, covid-19, mathematics learning processAbstract
The process of learning mathematics during the Covid-19 pandemic presents its own challenges for teachers to take advantage of available learning resources, both from the environment and from teachers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the utilization of what learning resources are used by mathematics teachers during the learning process in the midst of the corona virus outbreak, as well as the most effective learning resources for the mathematics learning process in junior high and high school. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Analysis of the data used is document analysis and interview results. The results of the study showed that there was no difference in the use of learning resources at the junior and senior secondary levels. Utilization of learning resources during corona virus outbreak includes: 1) teachers; 2) book; 3) student modules in the form of PowerPoint and worksheets made via Google Form; 4) media through learning videos and technology in the form of google classroom; 5) computer/phone. The use of learning resources was interrelated with each other, so as to create effective learning.
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