The Comparison of Integral Learning Outcomes of Tadris Mathematics Students Based On Department In SMA/MA


  • Hidayu Sulisti IAIN Pontianak



learning outcomes, integral, high school majors


Acceptance of new students for the Mathematics Tadris Study Program (PS TM) through the SPAN (National Academic Achievement Selection) and UM-PTKIN (PTKIN Entrance Exam) routes guarantees that prospective students have a high school science background. Prospective students with social backgrounds can only enter PS TM through the last route, namely independently. This pathway presents them with the opportunity to study at PS TM. In fact, in the field, researchers found that students with a social background were able to adapt to lectures at PS TM. Students with a social background should have the same opportunity to enter PSTM through any route. Therefore, researchers want to compare the learning outcomes of integral material for TM students with science and social backgrounds. The method used is descriptive quantitative, which aims to explain the learning outcomes of PS TM students based on written tests. The research results show that there is no difference between the integral mathematics learning outcomes of students with science and social backgrounds. This means that students with a social background are able to take part in the same learning as students with a natural sciences background. Based on this, it is necessary to consider opening up opportunities for high school students with a social background in registering prospective new students through the SPAN and UM-PTKIN routes.


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How to Cite

Sulisti, H. (2024). The Comparison of Integral Learning Outcomes of Tadris Mathematics Students Based On Department In SMA/MA. THETA: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 6(1), 1–5.


