The Effect of Roleplay Method Health Education on Knowledge of Earthquake Disasters in Kindergarten B Children at Baiturahmah PAUD in Bandung City
Health Education, Knowledge, disasters, EarthquakeAbstract
Earthquakes are disasters that often occur in Indonesia. West Java is one of the areas most prone to earthquakes. The earthquake in West Java was caused by local fault activity, namely the Lembang Fault. Awareness of the importance of disaster preparedness can increase individual actions in protecting and saving themselves from disaster hazards. This study aims to identify the effect of providing health education with the roleplay method on the ability to deal with earthquake disasters in Kindergarten B children in Baiturrahmah. This type of research uses a pre-experimental method with a sample of 18 respondents taken with a saturated sample. The instrument used is a questionnaire about children's knowledge about earthquake natural disasters and a checklist of children's skills. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was an influence with a p-value of 0.00 on roleplay health education on the ability to deal with earthquake disasters in Kindergarten B children in the Baiturahmah Kindergarten Early Childhood Unit.
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