Relationship Between Knowledge Level And Attitude Of Pharmacy Students Class Of 2018 About Ulcer Self-Medication At Sari Mulia University
Ulcer is a disease associated with the gastric mucosa which causes inflammation and causes swelling of the gastric mucosa.Purpose this research is find out the "Relationship Level of Knowledge and Attitudes of 2018 Pharmacy Students to Ulcer Self-Medication at Sari Mulia University" using a sample of 111 students.The type of research used in this research is analytic observationalusing a cross-sectional research design or cross-sectional study, sampling technique with purposive sampling. The level of knowledge of pharmacy students class of 2018 is in the good category at 58.6% and attitudes are in the positive category with a score of 82.9%. The relationship between knowledge level and ulcer self-medication has a significance value of 0.000 with a correlation coefficient of 0.964 with a positive (+) correlation direction, while the attitude towards ulcer self-medication has a significance value of 0.000 with a correlation coefficient of 0.903 with a positive (+) correlation direction. The test results from this study showed that there was a relationship between the independent variables (level of knowledge and attitudes of students) and the dependent variable (ulcer self - medication)
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