Comparison of To tal Flavonoid Levels Based on Differences in Ethanol Solvent Concentration from Kapok Randu Leaf Extract (Ceiba pentandra L.)
Kapok leaves are empirically used as traditional medicine to treat diarrhea. The secondary metabolite compounds contained in kapok leaves which function as antibacterial inhibitors are flavonoids. In this study using a true experimental research design. The difference in concentration also affects the extraction yield. Knowing the total flavonoid content of kapok leaves (Ceiba Pentandra L.) based on differences in solvent concentrations of 60%, 70% and 96% ethanol as well as analyzing the relationship and effect of solvent concentration on total flavonoid levels of kapok leaves. In this study the instrument used was a uv-vis spectrophotometer, this instrument was used to measure total flavonoid levels in kapok leaves. In qualitative research it was used to identify the content of secondary metabolite compounds of flavonoids by looking at changes in color from the results of the reagent test for the object studied with the Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) instrument. The maceration extraction method was then tested for phytochemical screening using color test and thin layer chromatography (TLC) on kapok leaf extract to identify flavonoid compounds. To determine the total flavonoid content, the levels were tested using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. Then use data analysis with Kruskal Wallis to see the effect.The results of phytochemical screening with color tests and Thin Layer Chromatography of kapok leaves were positive for flavonoid compounds. The results showed that there was an effect of differences in solvent concentration on total flavonoid levels.Research with the color reaction test of all the solvents used was positive for flavonoid compounds, as well as the concentration test carried out with 70% ethanol solvent concentration was more effective
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