The Effect of Slow Passive ROM Exercise on KATZ and Barthel Index Sullivan Score in Elderly with Fall Risk
The aging process in the elderly can cause health problems due to changes or decreased physiological function. In the elderly, one of the impacts that often occurs due to the aging process is a decrease in muscle and bone function, this can cause incidents of falls in the elderly. Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the factors that play a major role in the risk of falling in the elderly, where these disorders cause difficulty in gait, this is related to physiological aging processes, such as stiffness in connective tissue, reduced mass in muscles, slowing of nerve conduction, to a decrease in vision or field of vision. This research is a descriptive study, looking at the effect of Range of Motion exercises and measured by the Sullivan index Katz and the Barthel Index. There is an increase in the score on the assessment of sensory motor function or on the lower extremities of the client and an increase in the score on the assessment of the Barthel index or the client's activity after doing ROM (Range Of Motion) exercises.
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