Maladjustment in Islamic Boarding School : Effects of Peer Attachment?
Adjustment, Peer Attachment, Islamic Boarding SchoolAbstract
The problem of student adjustment at school often occurs in early adolescence and the most difficult for students is related to adjustment to the social environment. Regarding the social environment of students, especially the environment of students who live in Islamic boarding schools, the possibility that the most influential is peers. All activities are carried out together in Islamic boarding schools, making peer-to-peer figures very important in their daily lives, of course, in terms of adjusting. This study aims to determine the role of peer attachment to self-adjustment in the junior high school students of X Islamic Boarding School Martapura. The subjects in this study were 134 female students. The data collection method used the peer attachment scale and adjustment scale, while the data analysis used simple linear regression. The results of the analysis obtained the value of t = 6.108 (P<0.05), meaning that there is a positive role between peer attachment and adjustment to students at the X School Islamic Boarding School Martapura. The higher the peer attachment, the higher the adjustment, and vice versa. The role of peer attachment to self-adjustment is 22%, the remaining 78% are other factors not examined in this study.
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