Development of Mathematical Student Work Sheet (LKPD) Based on PMRI in Square and Triangle Matherials for Grade VII Junior High School
Student Worksheets, Development, Student Worksheets, Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education, Mathematical Communication, Mathematical CommunicationAbstract
The purpose of this study was to develop valid and practical student worksheets (LKPD) based on Indonesian
realistic mathematics education (PMRI) for junior high school students and to find out the potential effects of
PMRI-based worksheets on the mathematical communication skills of SMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta students. The type of research used is development research with the ADDIE development type. The research subjects were students of class VII.G SMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta, a total of 32 students. The data collection techniques used in this study were walkthroughs, documentation, tests of mathematical communication abilities, and student response questionnaires. The results of the data analysis can be concluded that: 1) This study produced valid and practical PMRI-based worksheets. 2) LKPD that has been developed has a potential effect on student learning outcomes. Therefore, the PMRI-based worksheets that have been developed can be used by students.
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